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Why Do Cats Puff up Their Tails?
Cats are pretty fascinating creatures that have their mannerisms and unique behaviors. One of the most interesting characteristics about cats is the way that they use their tails to communicate with us.
Tail language is a universal form of communication in cats. Cats may puff up their tails out of fear, playfulness, or anger. To be able to interpret which emotions they are feeling, you must pay attention to their body language and facial expressions.
Cats have different ways of using their tail and being expressive. If you want to find out more about why cats puff up their tails, check out this pawsome article.
Cat Tail Language
The feline tail is a peculiar thing. Cats speak with their tails just as much as they speak with their facial expressions and all their various meows. Cats use their tail to express their emotions to us, and it is up to us to recognize what they are communicating.
Cats use their tail to convey messages, whether it is to tell us they are happy, sad, or frightened. It can take time and practice to understand cat speak, but it is worth it to help you to understand your feline companion better.
How Does My Cat Communicate with Their Tail?
A cat communicates through complex forms of tail language, visual cues, and chemical cues. Knowing their tail language and meaning is a great way to learn more about your fur baby. A cat’s tail can tell a million tales. You just need to understand what to look for.
Puffy Tail
Your cat’s tail may become puffy when they are feeling frightened or threatened. They may have the following emotions:
- Excited
- Threatened
- Defensive
- Frightened
We have all heard the term “scaredy cat.” That typically describes a cat whose tail is puffed up. They do this to appear larger and more dominant than they are. When a cat senses danger or feels alarmed in some way, they may puff up their tails.
The fluffy tail could be straight up or down, and an unusual stance often accompanies this false demonstration of courage. They may arch their back and flatten their ears. This posture is aptly called, “Halloween cat.”
Cats Puff Out Their Tail When They Feel Playful
A puffed-out tail may also mean that your cat is feeling playful. Your cat may feel:
- Playful
- Happy
- Excited
- Enthusiastic
This behavior is often seen in kittens but can also be found in adult cats. Cats will sometimes wiggle their tails when they are playing. Other indicators of playfulness include erect ears, pointed forward whiskers, and dilated pupils. They may also pounce while their tail is puffed up.
Cats Puff Out Their Tail When They Are Angry
If your cat is angry, they may puff out their tail. Your cat may be feeling:
- Angry
- Aggressive
- Antagonistic
- Hostile
When your cat is angry, they may hold their tail up or down, and the fur all over their body puffs out right along with the tail. Your cat may also growl and be combative. If your cat displays this behavior, it is best to leave them alone and let them get over their temper tantrum.
Thrashing Tail Movements
When your cat is thrashing their tail on the ground, they may be experiencing a range of emotions:
- Irritated
- Annoyed
- Angry
- Bothered
An example of a cat displaying this behavior is when you are patting them, and they start thrashing their tail. You should stop if you are petting your cat and they thump their tail. If you do not stop, they may become hostile. Flailing their tail is a sign that the cat has had enough.
Twitching Tail Movements
When your cat is exhibiting twitching movements at the end of their tail, it could be due to:
- Playfulness
- Exuberance
- Irritation
- Frustration
You may be able to decipher whether they are frustrated or annoyed or if they are feeling playful by the activity they are participating in at the time. If your cat is playing and their tail starts to twitch, it means they are demonstrating their playful side. If not, then they could be annoyed.
Swishing Tail Movements
If your cat is swishing their tail from side to side, it means they are keenly focused on an object like their favorite toy. They may be:
- Focused
- Attentive
- Observant
- Alert
When your cat exhibits predatory behavior like watching an object, they get enrichment from whatever activity they are involved in. They may also be stalking a bird or another animal they see outside, which is a natural behavior for them.
Shaking or Quivering Tail
When a cat’s tail is shaking or quivering, it could mean they are excited or happy. Your cat may be having the following sentiments:
- Excited
- Happy
- Jubilant
- Thrilled
Your cat’s tail may quiver if you have just come home from a long day at work and they have missed you. It is the equivalent of them smiling at you. If your cat has a shaking or quivering tail when in the presence of another cat or pet, it means they are curious and happy to have another furry family member or friend to play with them.
Submissive Tucked in Tail
A submissive or tucked-in tail may indicate that your cat is backing down from a situation or another animal. They may feel:
- Submissive
- Non-Confrontational
- Agreeable
- Meek
Cats have a funny way of demonstrating their submission to an opponent. They may have their tail puffed up, and it is under or tucked in between their legs. Your cat may crouch low but remain in a neutral position. They are doing this to let the other cat know they are not threatening them.
Tail Standing Straight Up
When a cat’s tail is upright, it may signal that they are social, confident, and cool.
This language is a special way to communicate that they are ready to get their fellow cats to party with them (Catnip anyone?!). They may also want to spend quality time with their human. It is also the way that kittens speak to their mothers. If your cat has their tail up in the air and is coming toward you, it means they want to play with or bond with you.
Tail is Formed Like a Hook or Question Mark
If your cat’s tail is formed like a hook or it looks like a question mark, they may be feeling playful and happy. They may be showing:
- Playfulness
- Happiness
- Relaxation
- Contentment
Your cat’s tail may be standing upright and curled at the end. If your cat is approaching you and their tail is in this position, they may want to engage in bonding or play. You should feel privileged to get this special invitation from your cat. They are presenting with a playful attitude and may feel a bit on the spunky side.
In contrast, a tail formed like a question mark may indicate that they are feeling insecure or uncertain. They may need extra play time or attention.
Cat tail language can be fun to interpret and decode. There could be a few reasons your cat’s tail is puffed up. They could be feeling frightened, playful, or angry. It may help to know how to clarify what your cat is communicating to understand better and appreciate them.
If you have any other questions regarding your cat’s tail body language, Plant City Animal Hospital in Plant City, FL is here to help. Reach out to us at (813) 752-3073 or visit us online!
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